Marseille's Cabinet des Monnaies et Médailles, located in the Municipal Archives building, brings together 30 000 coins, medals and numismatic objects. It includes: * A metal restoration workshop reserved for all non-ferrous coins, medals, tokens, and numismatic items. Preventive or corrective measures are conducted by a DMF licensed restorer. They are intended for the collection in the Cabinet, as well as all public numismatic collections. * a permanent exhibition hall dedicated to 2,400 years of activity of Marseilles' and Provence's mints, from the 6th century b.c. to their closing in 1857. Marseilles' Cabinet des Monnaies et Médailles is one of the most important in France. It brings together classical collections (approximately 4000 Greek coins, 6000 Roman coins..) and exceptional specific collections about ancient Provence, including the treasure of Auriol (buried around 574 b.c. and unearthed in1867), and Medieval Provence (comtes de Provence – 13th to 15th century.) Foreign coin collections are enhanced by the presence of coins from Monaco, the Order of Malta, the Doges of Venice and the Far East. 8000 medals provide an original journey through the art of the medal from the 15th to the end of the 20th century. Tokens, bulls, "méreaux" and various numismatic objects (scales, punches, matrixes, minted coins..) complete this rich ensemble.