Musée de Salon & de la Crau
Created in the 30's under the name of the Museum of Old Salon, the Salon and Crau Museum is a museum of ethnography and local history. It presents the major aspects of Salon's lifestyle and economy throughout the centuries: sheepherding and transhumance, oil and soap factories, etc. The Museum boasts a collection of local archeological documents pertaining to ancient implantations on Salon's territory. It is however best known for its collection of paintings by minor late-19th century Provensal Masters (Marius Rey, Théodore Jourdan, etc.). There are also two natural history collections (ornithology and entomology) constituted in the 30's from the ecosystem of the Crau plain. The Museum is currently undergoing renovation. Until it reopens, the public is encouraged to follow the «Crau's collections» through a series of temporary annual exhibitions.
Thématiques : Archéologie / Beaux arts / Ethnologie / Histoire locale régionale / Sciences naturelles /

Informations pratiques :

Adresse : Accès :
Château de l'Emperi Montée du Puech - 13300 - Salon-de-Provence
Tél. : +33490447280
Fax. : +33490447280
Contact :


Horaires : Tarifs :
basse saison du 1er octobre au 15 avril de 13h30 à 18h00 - Fermeture hebdomadaire le lundi
Haute saison du 16 avril au 30 septembre de 9h30 à 12h00 et de 14h00 à 18h00 - Fermeture hebdomadaire le lundi
  • Autres : Pour tous

Activités :

Animations pédagogiques / Cycles conférences /