Atelier Paul-Cézanne
In November 1901, Cezanne purchases a small piece of land from Joseph Bourquier for the sum of 2000 Francs. Located on the Lauves hill and flanked by the Verdon canal, this country parcel is planted with olive and fig trees. Cezanne builds his studio there in 1902. Nestled between the city and the heights of Entremont, the site is not chosen for granted, for it allows Cezanne to move closer to his “motif”, providing him with the most elevated panoramic view in relation with the Sainte-Victoire Mountain. Upon completion of the studio, Cézanne writes to his niece Paule Conil: “My studio is completed and I am slowly getting used to my new home...”: a long shelf on the West wall, a table, a chest of drawers, a stepladder, a tall easel, a wood burning pipe stove, a sofa, some chairs, and the objects used to compose his still-life arrangements make up the sparse furnishings of Cezanne’s world. Some local earthenware, a pot of ginger and a pot of olives, a vase, a fruit dish, a plate, a glass, a bottle of rum, three skulls, a small plaster “Cupid” attributed to Pierre Puget... represent the painter’s faithful models. This place of memory is also living place dedicated to contemporary creation. For a number of artists, actors, choreographers, and musicians... the garden represents an open-air studio propitious to their investigations. Thématiques : Maison d'artiste /
Informations pratiques : |
Adresse : |
Accès : |
9, avenue Paul-Cézanne - 13090 - Aix-en-Provence Tél. : +33442210653 Fax. : +33442210653 Contact :
Bus n° 1, départ "Rotonde-Poste", arrêt "Cézanne".
Horaires : |
Tarifs : |
Du 1/10 au 31/03 tous les jours de 10h à 12h et de 14h à 17h; du 1/04 au 30/06 tous les jours de 10h à 12h et de 14h à 18h; du 1/07 au 31/08 tlj de 10h à 18h; du 1/09 au 30/09 de 10h à 12h et de 14h à 18h |
- Plein tarif : 5,50 €
- Tarif réduit : 4 €
- Tarif de groupe : 4
- Tarif scolaire : 2
- Autres : Enfants de moins de 13 ans, chômeurs, Rmistes, handicapés, scolaires jusqu'au lycée inclus, carte presse, guides conférenciers.
Publications :
Publications adulte "Les vies silencieuses de Cézanne", Michel Fraisset, Office du tourisme, Aix-en-Provence, 1999. "Atelier cézanne, 1902/2002, le centenaire", Acte Sud, Société Paul Cézanne. "Le jardin de Cézanne, l'époque des Lauves", R.M. Bourges, 1984, Ville d'Aix-en-Provence "L'atelier de Cézanne", Michel Fraisset, Aux arts etc.
Activités :
Animations pédagogiques / Ateliers / Visites guidées / Cycles conférences / Interventions hors murs /